Larger data centres can benefit
Plans to build more experimental chips
FUTURISTIC CHIP: Head of Intel Labs and Intel’s Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner at a press conference in Bangalore on Wednesday.
BANGALORE: Intel Corporation’s researchers demonstrated here on Wednesday an experimental, 48-core Intel processor, named ‘single chip cloud computer’. Intel claimed this futuristic chip could have about 10-20 times the processing engines than its own currently marketed processors.
Intel Chief Technology Officer Justin R. Rattner told reporters here that “This is the second experimental design to which our Bangalore lab has contributed. Our main focus on this design was increasing energy efficiency with minimum complexity. The processor could reduce power consumption almost by one-third.”
Intel Labs here, Germany and the U.S., collaborated in designing the processor. Intel plans to build 100 or more experimental chips to be used by industrial and academic research collaborators with the aim of developing compatible new software applications and programming models.
Vasantha Erraguntala, Senior Engineering Manager, Intel Labs India, Bangalore, said the single chip computer was designed as a concept for parallel software research. An example could be laptops with processing capability with ‘vision’ in the same way the human eye sees.
Cloud data centres with thousands of computers, now connected by a physical cable network, could be integrated into a silicon, the size of a postage stamp, reducing the numbers of computers needed.
Source : The