CHANDIGARH: Intel Technology on friday launched new range of processors for desktop and laptop computers using the 45 nm (nano meter) technology here, besides announcing the launch of a campaign for scaling its operations in smaller cities.
"The new high-end PC processors, equipped with 45nm technology, would enhance the performance of computers by 20 per cent and reduce power consumption by 30 per cent," Intel Technology India, Director (Sales and Marketing) South Asia, Sandeep Aurora told reporters here today.
The processors are the first to use Intel's Hafnium-based high-K metal gate formula for the hundreds of millions of transistors inside these processors, he said.
The new family of processors includes Intel Core 2 Extreme QX 9650 quad core processor for desktop and gaming which deliver extreme performance as well as 15 server dual- core and quad core 45nm Intel Xeon processors, Aurore said.
Announcing about its Hinterland Expansion Programme, he said the company would be scaling up its operations in Tier II and Tier III cities across the country.
"Under this campaign, we would be enhancing our sales, marketing and service support to the channel community," he informed.
"The IT adoption in smaller cities has increased considerably over the years and Intel sees significant growth potential in these cities," he said.
The company has also asked its four distributors in the country to push up the dealers' network. Presently the company has 2,500 dealers across the country.