MUMBAI: Consumer electronics major LG Electronics India (LGEIL) today said it will lay greater emphasis on high-end products like LCD, Plazma TV, mobile handset and laptop to achieve around 20 per cent growth this year to take its topline to Rs 11,500 crore.
"We are very bullish on the Indian market and looking at 17-20 per cent growth in the current year. Last year, our turnover was Rs 9,500 crore compared to Rs 8,250 in 2006. We aim to end the year with a topline of Rs 11,500 crore," LGEIL's Director (sales & marketing), V Ramachandran told PTI.
Apart from launching new products in these categories, the company has plans to roll out at least 40 additional exclusive outlets mainly in the Western and Southern parts of the country and invest Rs 380 crore towards marketing during the year, he said.
Ramachandran said LGEIL, the Indian subsidiary of the South Korean major, is expecting much more strong growth in both the LCD and plasma TV markets and eyeing to position itself as the numero uno player in the market.
"Currently, we are number two in the LCD market with 22 per cent market share. We aim to achieve more than 30 per cent share of the market in the current year," Ramachandran said adding that LGEIL would vie for 40 per cent market share in the country's plasma TV market from 32 per cent now.
A late entrant in the mobile handset domain, the company, however, now wants to make it big and launch a few models, both GSM and CDMA, to take the tally to around 30 this year.