Awards Distribution 2016 held on Dec 10,
2016 |
2016 |
Valingro Cultural and Sports Committee
(VCSC) organized the Annual Sports Awards Function on
Dec 10, 2016. Management Team members of Valingro Group,
Sports Events Awardees, Student Achievers and Other
Awards recipients attended the function.
Speaking at the Function Mr. Ar Rm Arun, Chairman,
Valingro Group appreciated the enthusiasm amongst
Children to participate in the various events and the
Employees interest in actively participating in all VCSC
events. He also, stressed upon the importance of Values
& Socio Economic Contribution (S-E-C) within the work
place & in our personal lives.
Children who participated in Essay
Writing, Drawing & Model Building on the topic “Social
Awareness” were recognized and awarded during the
VCSC Sports Awards were distributed to the Winners &
Runners for events such as Cricket, Table Tennis &
Volleyball for Men and Musical chairs and Lemon & Spoon
events for Women Employees.
Children of Valingro Employees who
have excelled academically in grades 10 and 12 are
recognized annually during the Valingro Awards Fucntion.